About Us
We understand the nature of Game development and testing is such that the load always remains uneven, and poses a challenge for resource management. We are focused to meet this specific ‘Pain Point’ of Industry leaders by providing QA and LQA services across Console, Mobile, and PC. With our core values of Quality, Reliability, and Flexibility our dedicated team is fully committed to serve your QA and LQA requirement in such a way that “You Create , We Support”
Our Vision
“To be the preferred partner for Game QA services, Globally!”
Our Values

1. Commitment to standards
2. Attention to details
3. Superior gaming experience

1. Respect timelines
2. Promise and deliver
3. Transparent communication

1. Customer first
2. Customized offerings
3. Flexible resourcing model
Our Footprints

Sentient Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Unit No. B-1116, 11th Floor, Tower B
Brigade Signature Towers
No. 50, Huskur, Bidarahalli Hobli
Bangalore – 560049

Sentient Gaming Pte. Ltd.
Registered Office: 160 Robinson Road, #14-04 Singapore Business Federation Center, Singapore, 068914
Work Address: PLUS Building, 20 Cecil Street, #14-01, Suite 1435, Singapore, 049705
Phone: +65 3158 7518
Our Footprints

Sentient Infotech Private Limited
Unit No. B-1116, 11th Floor, Tower B
Brigade Signature Towers
No. 50, Huskur, Bidarahalli Hobli
Bangalore – 560049

Registered Office: 160 Robinson Road, #14-04 Singapore Business Federation Center, Singapore, 068914
Work Address: PLUS Building, 20 Cecil Street, #14-01, Suite 1435, Singapore, 049705
Phone: +65 3158 7518

Why Us
While we understand that our experience can make us confident, we make sure that it does not make us complacent. We treat every project that we get with utmost novelty and sincerity, we plan and execute it in the most effective way. This is also the reason that all our customers can vouch for our Quality Of Service.

15 Years experience
Internal employee reward system is based on finding maximum critical bugs.

150+ games tested
We want to charge for the “value”
we deliver.

Zero setup cost
Start your project with 5 heads in 2 days with no setup goals.

Scale up & down

Bug Analysis
Bugs tell stories! we provide bug analysis.

Have it your way
Pick your team from CV’s – Video Interview – Select – Start testing.
-Albert Einstein
Cross Play,
Cross Platform,
Multiple OS
Our Clients
Our Team
& partnerships